Utterances of Sunlight & Water II

Sidney Spit Art: The Joy of Painting with the Sea

In Art improvisation, Contemplation, Creative By Nature Art Blog, Spontaneity, Water by Lisa Lipsett

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Watercolour painting on Sidney Spit BC

But tired of land, we open ourselves to oceans,
tired of time we give back all that we’ve taken,
tired of ourselves we open ourselves to ourselves at last,
and great abyss of the sea beyond,
the ocean stretching on sand and the long view on the still sea
that leads to another life…
From ‘Time Left Alone’
‘River Flow : New and Selected Poems’
©David Whyte and Many Rivers Press

When I find myself beside lapping or crashing waves, calm ponds and rushing rivers I inevitably feel an impulse to co-create. I am a WATER colour painter at heart. I especially love the way the bigger than me water sloshes and spreads and disperses colour then softens hard lines.

Being a sailor provides marvellous access to beaches where painting can be particularly serene. Sidney Spit, a shady stretch of island park off of Sidney BC is one of my favourites.

Most recently while visiting for a long weekend, I placed paintings into the sea and marvelled at the art. Here’s a peek.


Incoming tide washes over a painting on paper.


Seaweed and tide work their magic


Pastel & gouache on wood is caressed by a wave.


Waves and seaweed work their magic


Pastel and graphite added to the sea caressed image.

Utterances of Sunlight & Water I

Utterances of Sunlight & Water I- finished painting






Lisa LipsettSidney Spit Art: The Joy of Painting with the Sea