Fall Lines It’s amazing how each leaf falls in its own artful unique way. In this video I invite you to draw along.

Paint with Nature for Youth– These two videos showcase the Creative Nature Connection program I share with youth in schools, retreats, camps and wilderness schools.

Quick Paint– This fast paced time lapse painting session begins with a spontaneous doodle then ends with the creation of a small image. See the creation of an image from start to finish.


Starling Draw Spontaneous drawing with starling murmuration on Ponte Sisto, Rome Italy. Read more about Starling Murmuration here.


Water Colour Play In the spirit of nature~art improvisation two paintings are created in the surf in Tofino BC.


Train Paint– A rainy day train trip from Geneva to Bern Switzerland sparked a fun spontaneous paint encounter with rain drops rolling across the train window.


Creative by Nature Art in Boboli Garden Florence A sweet painting encounter in an ancient Florentine grove.


Snow Art– Drawing and painting with falling snowflakes. Read more about this encounter here.




Lisa LipsettPaint with Nature Videos