Enjoy exciting creative explorations using a fresh dynamic approach to painting, ideal for art loving youth and adults who want to stretch their art wings, naturally.
Discover freedom, joy and nature connection through painting with the living world, mimicking natural principles, all done with heart.
**Upcoming 2020 Course offerings.**
Adult Nature Art Classes
Who says finger painting is just for kids?

Art play
Last summer a parent dropped off her son for kids nature art camp and said, “Why can’t I just stay and play all day with the art materials?” Why not indeed!! It was at that moment that Adult Nature Art Class was born.
Connect and create with the living world and your wild heart. Varied nature inspired art activities mostly painting, drawing and print making, designed for both beginners and confident creatives, invite fresh joyful exploration of materials and processes.Themes include flow, spin, tuning in, touching in, pattern making, spontaneity, natural pigments, mirroring, reflection, light & shadow.
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Try out some of the following: Japanese Sumingashi marbling, ink marbling, acrylic pours, watercolour finger painting with sounds, textures, patterns of birds, shadows clouds, the wind … Spirograph, spin drawing in silks, alcohol inks, collage, nature self portraits, plant pigments, mandalas, paper sculpture, string art, cold wax play, to the name a few. Feel free to experiment, find an art expression you love, play and explore or give yourself space and time to go deep into materials you love. Call 250 537 9785 or
Contact me to register.
Flexible options- commit to a series or drop-in.
4 Tuesday Mornings
Feb 11, 18, 25, March 4
$195, drop-in $55
4 Tuesday Afternoons
Feb 11, 18, 25, March 3
$195, drop-in $55
4 Saturday Afternoons
Feb 15, 22, 29 March 3
$195 drop-in $55
I will continue exploring this wonderful world of expression you taught me. I am very grateful.
N. Watters
I was an art virgin. Never taken an art class. Never thought I would. I'm so glad I did.
C. Mauro
Creative by Nature Art with Lisa is pure joy!
C. Smart
When I finish painting it gives me a feeling of release. I feel calm and satisfied. It is an outlet for stress, and it enables me to connect with something greater.
Environmental Studies graduate student
Even though I am a market gardener and outdoors all the time, it was totally different to be in the same environment, but with a creative focus.
H. Thoma
Lisa helped me take that leap of faith onto the page. I realized that this is a gift we all have. Forever grateful.
N. Watters
The art projects were fun, simple and before I even started to paint I already felt that whatever expression I presented it was the right one for me.
N. Watters
I am ready to get into my practice, whatever it shapes up to be! Thanks for the inspiration and for BEAUTY MUSE.
P. Pillay
The support of a schedule helped me to prioritize time to deepen my art practice, and there were many AHA moments and surprises along the way!
H. Thoma
Fears of failure and not being good enough could not gain the slightest foothold in the context of Lisa's approach. How can a painting fail when it has been created with closed eyes?
C. Mauro
This week really opened up big doors for me in understanding the much larger role art, and specifically painting, can play in my life - as a way to connect more deeply with nature, myself and others.
N. Foley
Sail Stretch Create 2015
Give the gift of Art. Gift certificates available.
March Break 2020
Kids Nature Art Camp

Art Abundance

Week 1: March 16-20, 10-2 $260
Week 2: March 23-27, 10-2 $260
Exciting nature inspired camp for youth ages 7+ who love to make art. Natural pigments, sun prints, spirographs, swing drawing, group painting, ink play, string drawing, touch painting and creative nature connection art are some of the highlights.
With two fine art studios and a good sized outdoor area for nature connection and exploration, young artists are introduced to a fresh art process each day. Your child will have loads of fun, do personalized projects, have lots of 1:1 time, access tons of materials, and strengthen their own unique expression. The focus will be on developing drawing & painting confidence, creative resilience and passion for artful expression with the living world.
Art happens in the garden, forest and studio at 600 Fulford-Ganges Rd. 10-2pm each day. Call 250 537 9785 or Contact me for info and to register.
Summer 2020
Kids Nature Art Camp, Ages 7+

Beautiful art
Week 1 June 29-July 3, Mon-Fri, 10-2, $260
Week 2 July 6-10, Mon-Fri, 10-2, $260
Week 3 July 13-July 17, Mon-Fri, 10-2, $260
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