Spheres of Influence

Spheres of Influence Show

In Creative By Nature Art Blog, Lisa's Art by Lisa Lipsett

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Spheres of Influence: Between my body and the breathing Earth

This series of images was born out of a commitment to paint with abandon. By freely exploring the left behind and the put aside, through impulse and consideration, fresh sensation and in-sight emerged. Each painting has a quote by the inspiring environmental philosopher Dave Abram from his book Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology.  I hope you enjoy the show!


Spheres of Influence- “Between my body and the breathing Earth.”

Spheres of Influence

Spheres of Influence

Spin Her- “And then the entire face gleams.”

Spin Her

Spin Her










Tracings- “My eyes do not alter the depth.”












A Calm Pond- “I began paying attention.”

Calm Pond

Calm Pond










Elemental I- “The active allurement of my body by a sapling.”

Elemental I

Elemental I










Elemental II- “Filtering the water with our gills.”

Elemental II

Elemental II










Elemental III- “That steep slope across the way.”

Elemental III

Elemental III










Elemental IV- “The convergence between my listening ears and my gazing eyes.”

Elemental IV

Elemental IV










Head Rest- “All is body language.”

Head Rest

Head Rest










Swallow- “There is no evident danger lurking about.”












Immeasurable Otherness- There is a subtle entanglement.”

Immeasurable Otherness

Immeasurable Otherness










Immeasurable Otherness II- “There is a moment when our eyes are less certain.”

Immeasurable Otherness II

Immeasurable Otherness II









Spheres of Influence II – “I just couldn’t make sense of it from the outside.”

Spheres of Influence II

Spheres of Influence II





Lisa LipsettSpheres of Influence Show