
The One A Day Painting Challenge

In Creative By Nature Art Blog, Creative habits, Spontaneity by Lisa Lipsett31 Comments

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I just had a thought that it would be fun to go back to a core practice of daily Journal Painting: One A Day. That is, each day a new journal entry followed by a small spontaneous painting. I did this for years, but stopped for some reason and now miss the way this simple habit creates a creative scaffold in my life. After this idea popped into my mind,  I opened an  email from Cory Huff at The Abundant Artist and found a link to Crystal Moody’s creative habit challenge http://crystalmoody.com/ She has been doing a painting a day for over a year as a way to dive into a more artful life, one she hasn’t enjoyed since art school. As an aside, I love the way she photographs her paintings with her meals. Art is like food for the soul isn’t it?


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I’ve decided I am jumping into a One A Day practice and will post my paintings below in the comments area. Anyone else want to join me? It would be fun to share together.

Here is my Day 1 painting entitled pods.bugs


Lisa LipsettThe One A Day Painting Challenge


  1. Author
    Lisa Lipsett

    Seems this one a day practice has catapulted me into a whole new series of paintings entitled “Painting with Abandon”. Here’s a sneak peek of what has emerged. I especially love how the spontaneous rainbows light up their surface. These paintings will be shown locally at Cafe Talia starting June 1st. The images have led to an exploration of what it means to abandon ourselves, to abandon nature, how sometimes little decisions cause us to leave preciousness behind.

  2. Author
    Lisa Lipsett

    Day 10- Tofino sunset. I chose to spontaneously paint with sand and colour.

  3. Author
    Lisa Lipsett

    Day 8 involved playing with the shadow image left from Day 7. I worked with the words- “what lay beneath”.

  4. Author
    Lisa Lipsett

    Day 7 seems to be a shift to exploring the opening in the box in the blue.

    1. Author
      Lisa Lipsett

      Today I was drawn back in to this day 7 image which resulted in a new window!

  5. Author
    Lisa Lipsett

    Day 6 is inspired by the saying “small is beautiful” and used this beautiful hummingbird who built her nest beside the main walkway into Chaa Creek Eco Resort in San Ignacio Belize as an inspirational jumping off point.

  6. Author
    Lisa Lipsett

    Day 5 began with the words “peaceful attitude prevails”. I loved the pomegranite like seeds and the blue waters.

  7. Author
    Lisa Lipsett

    Day 4- Red Time Capsule
    I am not sure where this one came from except I really loved Day 1’s blue so I used that as a jumping off point. There is that ovally shape again, which I love too.

  8. Author
    Lisa Lipsett

    Day 3- The window openings of Day 2’s painting was the starting point for todays’s image. I embellished what lay beneath and this is what emerged.

  9. Author
    Lisa Lipsett

    Day 2-
    My husband is a software programmer and has been known to say in response to problems, mistakes and accidents in day to day life- “That’s not a bug, that’s a feature!” I thought of this as I watched the paper disintegrate on today’s painting. As I rubbed gouache on top of my oil stick and watercolours the paper began to peel away, one small layer at a time until I had a new feature, a window! Then two windows! I’ve titled this one Bugs.

I'd love to know what you think.