It’s not even light yet and the birds are awake chatting to each other. Listen as they speak to each other. Every morning now it happens, they awake and chat at the first glimpse of a new day beginning as they flit and flap. I awoke to this symphony and now I wonder what it would be like to draw and paint with it.
Left hand and right hand birdsong drawing
Birdsong painting
Somehow I seem to listen better when my hands are busy creating. I take in the sound and express my experience of it through my hands. I feel like a participant in Nature. I truly love to see how things look. Drawing and painting create a memory. When I both stop to listen and create with what is there I not only feel a deep connection in the moment, somehow I now have a body memory of the experience. Artmaking is funny that way. Something as simple as scratching lines on a page solidifies things, makes them more real somehow.
Are there any sounds you are attracted to creating with?